Starting the journey to self discovery, developing good habits.

The key to positive change is in adopting good habits. This involves shifting our mindset and understanding how our behaviours shape our lives. Developing the right attitude towards life in addition to following through with action is the key to positive change. With a positive attitude, we can start making small changes that will help us reach our goals and to create enduring change.

I will document the steps and share the results in my quest to becoming the creature that I am destined to be. My mind is in the present, the past is done and the future is a gift that I have not yet received. Our time on this spinning rock hurtling through space is limited and fleeting, so we should use our time wisely and we should strive to become the best versions of ourselves.

I'll leave you with a quote from a TV Show currently on Amazon Prime, yeah its not Byron or Wordsworth, but I like it just the same:

"...Every element of you forged in a Star

We all burst out of this darkeness,
And in the grand scheme of things,
We're nothing but a momentary,
Meaningless blip.

Your heart can again be a star.
A living flame to light the darkness.
We all have the choice to carry the universe in our heart,
Or be crushed by it
So is the universe trying to tell you something?
And are you ready to listen?..."

(A Wolf like me)